Friday, May 6, 2011

Enjoying My Boys & a Visit to the Doctor :)

Cam has been coughing.

And coughing and coughing and coughing for a couple of weeks.

Couldn't figure it out. No other symptoms. Just an annoying cough all day and night.

Most people would have probably taken their child to the doctor a couple of weeks ago when it started. I never have. I do take them when I know they need to go, or I'm confused by what is wrong with them. I'm lucky how seldom I have to go to the doctor with five children, usually it's just for checkups. Typically they are very healthy.

I don't like taking medicine and rarely do. I don't like giving my children medicine unless it's absolutely necessary. This is one area that me and my husband differ greatly. He will not think twice about chugging cough medicine right from the bottle or taking way too many Advil in my opinion. I, on the other hand, measure everything and usually take less.

I did break down and take Cam in today. It's just not getting any better. I did take a good look at his throat and saw that his tonsils on one side were pretty swollen, and both his sisters have had their tonsils removed . . . not again!

The doctor said "Allergies", which had never crossed my mind. Should have, since Zoe is allergic to basically all things nature. So the bad news, I have to start Claritin (TargetBrand of course) on a daily basis, which I hate.

After we got home from the doctor (and buying 2 more bottles of Dawn for a total of .16 cents) we had a "picnic" and played outside.

I couldn't actually get them to sit still and eat. They were so happy to be outside. So they played and ate their sandwiches. And shared their sandwiches. And took each others sandwiches.

A new great thing for me! I can let Emmitt walk to the front door himself instead of carrying them both in individually. Castiel still prefers to be carried in. Some things are getting a little easier, but they are both getting a lot faster, so that cancels out the "easy" in most cases.

I really have to keep an eye on him. He took off after a robin. I think he thought he could catch it.

Robins seem to mess with kids. They don't typically just fly away. They hop around. The kids gets closer, they hop a little further. Emmitt was ready to cross a driveway to get him. I had to redirect his attention, which is easily done outside :)

Then Cameron asked to take some photos. Here is a sampling of a, almost four year old's perspective.

If you look closely at the piece of bread that one of the boys dropped. It is covered with ants. Cam stood watching them for quite a while. He's down for a nap, but has plans to check on it again when he gets up :) BTW, this is his favorite picture by far :)

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