Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Missed the old neighborhood this year. I wonder how many people were looking for our Frankstein blow up to take their photos under this year? Sorry, it's still in storage . . .

This year Zoe was Cleopatra. (I think she picked it because of all the makeup. She also talked me into fake eyelashes with gold lashes.) She loved her costume and looked beautiful in it.
Audrey was a Monster Bride. (It was the perfect costume for her, a little punky.)
I told her she looked too sweet in the first pic to be a Monster Bride, that's the reason for the second pic where she looks like someone who may just marry Frankenstein.

Then there is my fierce little pirate, Cameron.

Daddy told Cameron that pirates put their sword in their mouth when they swing on vines through the jungle . . . so that is him showing me  :)  I'm wondering why the pirate is in the jungle?!?  :)

So for the twins . . . I had a skunk costume that my mother had made originally for Audrey, and Cameron also wore it. I wanted to find a good combo for the boys. All I could think of is to turn one of them into a flower (a Bambi reference), but my husband would never have gone for it. And I didn't want to mark one of them for life :)

I searched eBay for fuzzy animal costumes and found the most perfect rodent to join my skunk.
My little porcupine! This costume made me so happy  :)  And even if he won't have let me put the hat on, his hair still would have worked (My little fuzzy wuzzy!)

And lastly, Castiel, my little Stinker  :)  If you know him, it suits him well. Not by odor . . . by personality.

I also had to get this picture, because I have the same with Audrey and Cameron.

L-O-V-E that tail dragging behind him  :)

So we all headed out tonight, a little late, but makeup fixes and forcing twins into costumes took a little longer than expected.
They made a haul! All of them. And multiply that by seven and account for all the candy that we bought to hand out to Trick-or-Treaters, which the doorbell rang only 4 times after we returned . . . and two of the times it was our children coming back  :) We have so much candy in the house . . . it should theoretically last all year.

I am always amazed at how fast kids catch on to Trick-or-Treating. The twins figured it out on the first house. After that, all KC said to get Emmitt moving faster was "More Candy". We pulled them along in a wagon, and they were checking out their stashes after every house.

I dumped out their candy when we got home.
And this is the twin checking out Eli's stash.

I think that they both have a new favorite holiday.

And I want to thank all my kids for handing over all their Almond Joys to mommy. Now that is love <3


1 comment:

  1. I grabbed an almond joy out of maddy's bucket on the way up the driveway...they are my favorites:)
