Just been too busy . . . here's a little recap.
I spent 10 hours on one of KC's days off going through the mountain of boxes in our bedroom. It's still a mess. I am trying to figure out what stays and what goes. It's obvious that we have too much, and it's slow going. But I am trying to make some progress daily.
I did manage to reduce my shoes from 48 pairs to 26 : ) I was afraid of reducing by too much and then feel the need to go shopping . . .
KC was a huge help and watched the boys for me the entire day. At dinnertime I introduced him to Pinterest. He made dinner from one of the recipes :) He wasn't as interested in appearing in my blog because of it. I did ask him to smile : )
We agreed that it didn't really feel like a meal to us . . . good, but more of an appetizer recipe. I suggest jalapenos added!
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Since joining Pinterest, I have felt like I should be buying Ball glass jars. There are so many pins using them. I had stopped myself a couple of times and promised myself that I won't buy them unless I found a project that I was going to use them for.
So I found 3 :)
I have the worst dry skin in the winter. It only improves slightly over the summer. I had all the ingredients expect Vitamin E lotion.
I love it! Noticeable difference already.
I am always paranoid that my house smells like stinky diapers. I am a sucker for the Glade Air Fresheners that can be hidden in every corner.
I thought, why not try and make them.
I already have a bunch of essential oils (from my days when I was going to make soap . . . fail), so all I needed was Gelatin.
Not very impressed by this one. It can only be smelt when shoved under your nose. I may try it one more time and add more oil, I haven't decide yet.
I have waxed to go on extended vacations in the past. So this didn't scare me. The hair on my legs grows back so fast, I'm a every day shaver . . . it sucks.
The recipe is so easy to follow and so cheap! I actually had everything needed in my house already.
I have taken care of my lower legs and haven't had to shave them all week! I'm in love with this one.
True, ankles and the back of the leg . . . OUCH! But I think this one might be worth it.
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And here are a couple more Pinterest projects . . .
Won't do this one again either. It took A LOT longer to bake then the recipe said, and frankly . . . I like regular old French Toast better.
Zoe loved making it, but we'll find something else better.
The Peace sign cake pan is a birthday present. She's excited to make use of it : )
I almost forgot. PINTEREST #11: Potato Soup
We love potato soup, so I spent an afternoon making this and then threw it in the slow cooker to simmer for a while. We definitely liked it, but I'll add more to it next time. My mother passed on a different recipe for potato soup, I might give that one a try next, because her and my dad raved over it.
And last, but not least . . . PINTEREST #12: Lip Balm
Just have to say, it's impossible (tried it twice) to completely dissolve the Hawaiian Punch in a sprinkle of water . . . and then you add more water to get it dissolved and it doesn't mix in completely with the Vaseline . . . I may be doing this one wrong, if anyone has some pointers.
We tweaked it and made it work. It is a great balm. Made one for each of us, girls : )
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Add in Cameron's speech classes (which is going great and he is loving)
Cameron's regular preschool started up again today
Zoe has officially been moved up to 5th grade band : )
Zoe also started taking a field hockey clinic. (It's the first time she's showed any interest in trying out a sport and KC & I both quickly said "yes!")
Audrey spent 4 out of 5 days of the school week home with a low grade fever. One of the days was beautiful, over 50 degrees! So we had to spend some of it outside for some much needed fresh air.
Zoe's birthday sleepover : )
A cousin sleepover : )
And a surprise visit from all 4 grandparents : ) Didn't get any pics...
A family birthday party : )
A 3rd grade Music concert : ) Audrey!
And the biggest change . . .
To this . . .
And instantly we could see the pride Castiel had for his new bed : )
Just as easily as we could see Emmitt telling us that we could no longer keep him in.
Night one and two went perfectly . . . too perfectly.
Then night 3, we returned Emmitt to his bed 5 times. And the next morning, when he came into our room with a cookbook in his hand from the kitchen . . .
A baby gate was installed right outside their bedroom door.
For his own good. And our peace of mind : )
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Never a dull moment with a family of 7 and I wouldn't change it for the world! |
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