Beautiful day outside = long day at work in the bicycle business : ) And today was definitely a play outside all day long kind of day!
But the wait was definitely worth it.
Zoe made a chocolate cake from scratch after she got home from school. Daddy requested a Chocolate Funfetti Cake and he got it :)
Just wanted to share a couple of things.
The words are pouring out of the boys now. Castiel's favorites "almost", "get out", "go away" and "now!" . . . yes, he is very sassy. It's a good thing he's so cute. My favorite is "ice water" which he requests many times a day. He prefers his ice crushed, not cubed.
Another thing about Castiel is that he examines things. He is my kid that will some day take apart my toaster and attempt to put it back together. He's always pulling stuff apart, trying to shovel stuff together and trying to fit things inside of something else. A common thing I hear from him is "too big".
The only thing, it doesn't sound like "too big", it sounds more like "stupid".
And to anyone that knows Cameron, he will call you on saying a naughty word everytime he hears "stupid". I couldn't tell you how many times Cameron is telling on Castiel for using bad words when he's just trying to cram something into something else but it was just "too big" . . . I find it funny everytime : )
This is what shocked me today. I was on my computer and Emmitt sat down next to me and said "R" and pointed to the "R" key on my keyboard?!? Wow, that really caught me off guard.
We've been working on colors alot and they have most of them down . . . but I have even started letters yet.
My guess, his favorite cartoon, "Super Why". I don't know why the "R" stuck, because none of the other ones did . . . I know, because I tested him. Yes, he knows "X", but that's because "X" marks the spot : )
We stopped at WalMart for a couple of things and he must have pointed out 10 "R's" while we were there. The best part was his proud little smile when I told him that he was right. I guess I'm going to get of the letter flashcards now.
Both boys also learned "thumbs up" from that show. I can't just give them a "good job" anymore, it must include a double thumbs up :)
Today was Cameron's last day of speech until kindergarten. He said goodbye to his teacher who he absolutely adores. She was really sooo good with him. I love teachers like that. When your child has a trully wonderful teacher, you can see in their eyes. : )
Audrey finished Book 4 of Harry Potter and will be starting Book 5 tomorrow : )
Zoe has been cooking away. She is happy that she has people reading her blog. And I am excited that Reese's Peanut Butter cups won her latest poll . . . because she is making us homemade ones this weekend!!!
That's my little update.
And once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best daddy in the world!!!
(We have dinner reservations for tomorrow night, my sister volunteered to watch all the kids . . . thank you, thank you, thank you!)
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