Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Smurfs Help Me with My Frustration

I have heard Cameron say, "I don't like you. You're not my friend. I'm not going to play with you. I'm going to beat you up."

Then it is quickly followed up by, "I'm just joking, it's opposite day!" He's learned this technique from his sisters . . . ugh.

It is a quick excuse for a sudden streak of anger, or a correction when he says something he knows he shouldn't have.

It usually doesn't work, but he tries to get out of trouble.

It's National Opposite Day today, and it feels like an opposite day today for me.

The last two days have been non-stop crying. Crying about everything. Crying about nothing. I am working on getting the twins to use their words instead of whines. Some days go better than others.

We have a "crying stair" (the bottom stair) and whenever there is crying for no good reason, that's where I send them until they calm down.

The last two days, all three of them have spent more time on the stair then playing.

The house has been tension fulled the last two days and nights.

When I have days like that, the Smurf theme song plays in my head. Seriously, I hum it in my head.

It's been my, about to scream at a child but don't want to, song that I use to calm myself down.

I'm not sure why the Smurfs. Maybe I'm relating to poor Smurfette surrounded by boys all day, imagine the pain . . . I don't have to, I live it 8 hours a day :  )

For two full days, I hummed that tune "la la la-la-la-la la la-la-la la" and I know it's really bad when I start humming it out loud. I find it drowns out the crying and craziness, and it brings my blood pressure down.

And today was definitely "Opposite Day" . . . no crying. Happy boys. Playing boys. Calm boys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm just hoping it continues this way until bedtime. Please. Please. Please.

I could use a few more opposite days this week : )

HAPPY OPPOSITE DAY, LOL! (make sure you use it if needed)

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