Friday, April 20, 2012

Random Missed Moments & Castiel

Had a great Easter in Fond du Lac. I just wanted to share a couple of pictures.

I love that photo, I think Grandpa looks more excited than the boys : )

Here's some smiles from the boys.

The "big" kids got their turn too!

My dad said that Cameron didn't stop asking him questions the whole time, and that he could be heard over the engine . . . that's Cam.

The only tears came from Emmitt when the tractor was put away. Emmitt would ride around on it all day if Grandpa let him. And I was proud of Castiel for taking a ride, I don't think he rode on it all last summer because he was afraid of it.

And since the last post was Emmitt, I thought I'd share some things about Castiel.

Castiel is singing under his breath all the time, this is his song of choice.

Sometimes it clearer then others. I think he gets a little nervous in front of the camera.

Castiel is little. Not overly little, but little compared to Emmitt. Emmitt is the tough guy that is gentle as a teddy bear (most of the time) and Castiel is the little guy who is my scrappy little fighter. I can see it coming, because there is a change in his face. It's like aggression takes over. Trully, I believe he thinks his huge : )

Well, I've been able to handle the aggression. It can be stopped and he is put in time out.

This is something that I can't seem to get him to stop. (Notice the sweet face :$)

The other thing about Castiel, is that he likes things done for him. All I hear from Emmitt is "I do it", but Castiel says "Help please".

He's finally starting to do some things on his own, but still will quickly allow me to help.

They are really seeming big to me lately. It's a combination of their demand for independence and the new words coming out of their mouths daily.

Castiel's new favorites, "Oh man!" and "Thumbs up." and he's still saying "Dude!"

And on to Zoe.

Zoe had another band concert and she was with the 5th graders this time. She had caught up enough first semester to be moved up, which she was very happy about.

I know, not the best photo.

And the video is worse.

As all parents know, these venues fill up fast with families. Sinces we are a family of 7, we have to be early, otherwise seats are impossible to find.

So we got there early, and the twins were DONE basically before the concert started, ugh. See, the thing is, I totally have the patience for them in these situations, KC does not.

This is how I kept Emmitt under control for the last song.

He was in charge of taking the video.

KC said that we are never taking them again : )

The best part was when he decided to start singing "We will, we will, rock you." and no, that wasn't the song they were playing : )

Oh well, the concert was great and Zoe is enjoying the flute.

I think I'm caught up a little.

And the rainy days must stop, the kids want to go back outside and play!!! And I want them to too : )

1 comment:

  1. i think the patience thing comes naturally from being home with the kids all day long. i totally experience the same thing... i have way more patience than mike does~especially when it comes to events outside of the home. ; )
