Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Little Man

I put my Cameron to bed tonight and said "Goodnight my 3 year old little man" and he replied "Goodnight my 10 year old mommie" :)

I can't believe the next time I see him, he will officially be 4 years old.

He has a little special place in my heart (as all my children do), but he is the one I spend most of my time with. If I favor talking about him and posting pictures of him, it's because he is the one that is always at my side. My buddy.

When he came into my life, I thought he was going to always be my baby. The one that I would treat like a little prince for his whole life. Then out of nowhere, he became the middle child.

I still choose to treat him like my little prince :)

I love his imagination, young humor and charm . . . he oozes every one of them.

I look forward to his smiles and get upset by his tears and watch for his understanding and glow with his accomplishments.

I look forward to watching him grow into a man.
Even if it breaks my heart.

I love you, my little man, my Cameron


  1. Happy Birthday Cameron! Four is a big year, full of understanding and so much growing.
