Tuesday, June 7, 2011

They Both Grew Up Too Much This Year!

Today was the first day of summer vacation.

Cameron decided to get up before 7am, we have to think about investing in blackout shades in his new room. He has always risen with the sun, doesn't matter how late we keep him up.

Zoe made us all breakfast. Pancakes! The twins LOVE them and always devour many more then I think they should.

This morning Zoe changed it up with Pineapple/Chocolate Chip pancakes. Not bad at all and there were empty plates all around. It's so cute seeing the boys pick up their plates, hand them to Zoe and say "MORE!" And I think she loves it :)

The girls had their last day of school at Meadowview. They both came home with great report cards. I am so proud of them both. Zoe said she only cried a little. Audrey came home asking "why we were moving again?" :)

 This picture was taken before their first day of school. It always amazes me how much they change throughout the year.

I caught all the neighborhood kids before they walked to their last day together. Sweet bunch of kids!

Many things will be changing fast for my kids in the next few weeks. A little guilt comes with all the change, but I have to remember that it will all work out, hopefully for the better for our family.

They will make new friends, but it's always good to know that there are some great old friends to keep in touch with.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your move goes well. As a child who moved a lot (my parents liked to decorate houses) I always settled in quickly. Kids are very resilient!
