Monday, February 14, 2011

I Missed Half of February!

I guess I haven't missed half of February, I lived it. I'm trying to figure out how it's already Valentine's Day! This month has been flying by.

We listed our home with an agent. We had to come to the realization that we will make nothing on this house and will probably have to pay someone to buy it and bring money to closing. Ten months ago we had an offer on the table, but KC had no job at the time. It's easy to look back and say we should of, but we didn't and I don't think we were ready. We had no idea where we were going and could have messed up the job KC ended up with if we went in the wrong direction. Everything happens for a reason and as soon as the snow melts I'm planting St. Joseph in our backyard, because now we are definitely ready and waiting and hopeful.

Blizzard hits and it was definitely no joke. KC got stranded in Kenosha. The ladies on the block helped me shovel out while the kids enjoyed the snow. I was afraid I was going to lose Cam in a snowbank, but he was light enough to scale the drifts. After two hours of playing we enjoyed snow ice cream instead of hot chocolate, well the kids enjoyed it, I tried it and found it weird, wrong texture for the taste. And Brian from down the block made a pass down the sidewalk with his snow blower, BIG thanks, because I wasn't going to even attempt it!!!

Groundhog didn't see his shadow, so early Spring! Which was hard to believe after being dumped on. But I'm hoping it's true, because this house has cabin fever.

Zoe had a birthday sleepover with two friends. She wanted to do her own thing, so I let her, because sadly I have little time to think, let alone plan. They played "Just Dance" on the Wii, which I just love! And played with beads and just did the "girl thing". Cam kept telling the girls he loved them and kissing them  :) He is definitely the kind of boy that will benefit from having older sisters, he's such a charmer.

Nephew Jack's 7th birthday party. We enjoyed seeing family that we've been missing since Christmas. The kids got tons of attention, which gave me a little break from entertaining them.

Packer's won the Superbowl! We spent the first half at our neighbors for a party, and they still wouldn't cheer on the Pack. We came home after the halftime show, got all three boys in bed in the same amount of time it took to clean up after the Black Eyed Peas, we didn't miss a second. And I know the halftime show was criticized, but I loved it! Nail bitter til the end! But KC and I definitely did some jumping up and down and yelling in those final seconds. Zoe woke up the next morning asking if they won and then threw on her Packer jersey, because in the land of the Bears, she's already discovered how fun it is to have bragging rights.

My Zoe turned 10 years old. Which to me was more traumatic then turning 30, or even looking forward to 35. Having a 10 year old, I'm still trying to figure out how that is possible. It's amazing to think back to when this whole motherhood part of my journey started. And I was sadden by her choice of cakes. Angel food cake with cool whip and fruit. I know it sounds silly, but I've always designs her cakes. It started with Zoe's ladybug cake with bright pink frosting (story for another time). I did the princess castles, butterflies, Spongebobs, horses . . . angel food with fruit seems way too grown up to me.

Castiel popped a molar and has been drooling and snotting over everything. I've been saying for over a month that I thought he was teething, and nothing. The kid only has his front top 2, bottom 2. And then I catch a glimpse of the back of his mouth . . .  molars! I don't get it. One is through and more coming. But no signs of the rest of his front ones. Weird.

Emmitt and Castiel are starting to choose to walk a little. They definitely still prefer crawling, but we are seeing more and more steps. They both can stand up in the middle of the room. And have mastered going down the stairs on their bellies, feet first. All of a sudden they seem to be hitting lots of milestones, which is exciting and scary at the same time. They are already 15 months.

KC and I got out for a whole night. My mom came down (thank you!) and watched the kids. I got to go to a bar, a restaurant and a bowling alley in the same night and didn't have to worry about rushing home to kids and relieving a babysitter. It was a work party and I met the shop. Everyone was very nice and they seem like a fun group. I can more easily see how KC can get up and manage the drive to and from work, it's easier when there are good people to work with.

Before we came home we drove around northern Illinois, southern WI looking at possible areas to move to. We definitely crossed out some areas we didn't like and didn't feel like we'd be comfortable in and circled the ones we liked. Now I have a better idea of the areas to research schools and homes for sale.

And now it's Valentine's Day! And Emmitt blew his first correct kiss this morning :) He made the sound on his little chubby hand and then threw it. Love it! I spent the rest of the morning trying to get Castiel to do it, but he just wants to kiss my hand :)

And I just realized that Audrey wasn't mentioned in this blog, so I have to tell a story how she is all heart. She did her valentines for her class, only looking at the class list for a couple spellings. She went back and double checked the list and realized that the teacher forgot one of the boys names. She was sadden to think that he might be forgotten and was worried for him. She left saying that she would say something to her teacher as soon as she got to school, hoping that she could do something before the afternoon party. I love her heart.

And I look outside and the snow is all melting and I see the grass.

It's amazing how fast life passes by at certain times of the year. It really goes by in a blink.


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