Monday, February 14, 2011

My Boys Blowing Kisses and Everything Else They Do Until I Get Them To Blow Kisses :)

Thought I would see how hard or easy it is to post videos :) Since my kids are so adorable, I have to show them off occasionally :) These are my twin 15 month boys, Emmitt and Castiel from this afternoon.

Ignore the trashed play area in the background, they accomplish that within the first 15 minutes of playing . . . I can't wait until they start picking up after themselves.

Hope you enjoy watching my boys, I know I do. I still find the twin thing amazing. And could they be anymore opposite?!?, lol.

And there were many more steps than I thought to loading the video and it took longer than I thought, but not hard and I will attempt this again in the future :) FYI, it took ALOT longer than I thought, but worth it in the end :) I hope. I'm going to publish this and hope it plays, because it won't in the preview. I'm crossing my fingers, otherwise back to the drawing board.


  1. Maddy says that that was SO cute and funny

  2. Love it! You should always post videos of your kids. Mike & I really enjoyed all of it...although Emmitt getting the cheerio via head bob was a definite highlight. :)
