Monday, January 17, 2011

What happened to the Stars?!? . . . there's got to be a man behind this :)

I have been feeling . . . not myself lately. With the change of the new year, I think my personality may have changed with it. Is that even possible?

I think that's why I started this blog. I needed to do something new in my life and my options are limited with five children.

And then this week K.C. tells me, I'm a Gemini?!? I've been a Cancer all my life and I thought that it suited me perfectly. Then somebody says we're missing Ophiuchus and it changes everything. How does this happen? But in a way, it may explain a few things.

As a Crab, I valued my hard outer shell for protection. I felt most comfortable at home. And hid my sensitive feelings. I held onto everything, including the past. Fiercely loyal and had a hard time letting things go. I protected those I loved and nurtured them with my tough shell. I built security by developing my home and family relationships.

And now, am I really a Gemini? A person with a dual nature, who believes our world comes in pairs. The yin and the yang. I'm going to like something and also it's opposite. (For those who have met my twins, Emmitt and Castiel, they are a great example of my love of opposites.) I am now curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. My mind will bounce from one topic to another with great ease. An eternally youthful child with razor-sharp wit that will have me fighting with opponents which moments later will be my best friends.

Then I found this article that explains Ophiuchus.

The current media hype about Ophiuchus as "the new 13th zodiac sign" has sent folks spinning into an astrological identity crisis. But the whole thing is untrue!

"Ophiuchus has nothing to do with western astrology" "It's not an astrology issue. It has to do with the stars -- it's not a sign, it's a constellation."

"There are four seasons each with a beginning, middle and end" "That makes 12 zodiac signs, and there's no such thing as a 13th astrological sign."

Western astrology is based on the four seasons, not on constellations -- and the seasons don't change. There is no 13th sign. Period.

So I think that means I'm still a Crab, which I still thinks suits me better.

It is my nature to be nurturing and emotional, which I believe I truly am. And I've never been a great talker, I'm the one usually stumbling over my own words.

But I will choose to be more of a communicator and not such a homebody. My life has always revolved around my family and home, but now I want to include my life and friendships in that circle. That is what I need in my life now.

It's not easy to change who you are, and I'm not really planning on changing myself, just improving myself. So even if I'm not a Gemini, I am going to do my best to become more of the person I want to be. And hopefully through this new journey in my life, I can realize what I want and what's most important to me.

So, to those who have their astrological signs tattooed onto there bodies, it sounds like your safe for now. And to those who want to make changes in their lives, the time is now  :)

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