I used to have the "perfect" size family. The two girls (because immediately after having Zoe, I wanted her to have a sister) and then the boy to round out the family, and make daddy happy. Then the totally unexpected came. One minute I was selling all my baby stuff at an early Spring garage sale . . . the next minute I found out I was expecting twins . . . and buying back everything times two.
Now, whenever I go out with my kids, I see the double takes. I see people visually counting my children surrounding me. I love it when I get the older couples come up to me saying "You are truly blessed", which I believe their sincerity. They lived in a different time, when families like mine were normal. It's the comments I get from the younger moms "Wow, you really have your hands full" or "How do you do it?!?". The looks I get from them, at times, makes me feel freakish.
The most common question I answer is "How do you manage with 5 children?" Really, everyone asks, and I have gotten used to answering it. Really, I do understand why they ask. I just find it funny when I get the question from a mother of four :) How different do they really think it is?
I think I manage the same as anyone with children. It doesn't matter if you are a mother of 1, 2, 5 or 7 . . . don't all moms want the best for their children? Don't we all do the best we can with what we have? We all have days we struggle, but we also all have day we succeed. Most days, I don't think my job is any harder than any other mother's job. Honestly. I think it would be much harder to have 1 child than 5. The only child thing is what would scare me.
I was meant to have these five children in my life. And I can't imagine my life without them all. My life feels normal to me and I am happy with it. And with them :) This is my perfect family.
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This morning, KC and I stayed in bed until almost 9:00am. Girls are off of school and got up on their own and were watching t.v. Cameron must have heard them and went straight down to join them. And the twins, which most people think would be a nightmare, woke up and played together in their cribs. Most mornings, they will play for quite a while before making any noise saying they want out.
When we go to get them out of their cribs, they have usually traded pillows and nuks, or some days one baby has both pillows and both nuks and the other has his hands through the bars trying to reach something :) They don't cry when they wake. Why get out when their best friend is in the crib next to them? :)
I think the most important thing I'm teaching my children is independence. I think it's important for them to be able to not only do things for themselves, but to think for themselves. I know that if I need to leave the house, both Zoe and Audrey would be okay. I know they are only 10 and 7, but I also know they wouldn't be lost by my absence. They would know what is expected of them and they would even know how to take care of their brothers. We have a routine. I think routine can be a great structure to a child's development. And more then that, I know I can trust them to do what they are supposed to.
I am raising children to make "good choices". If I can instill that into all my children, I think they will all make it far in their lives.
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And now a little of our day.
Since Cam is still not himself today (sick). Daddy stayed home with him and Zoe agreed to help me with the twins doctor's appointment. She is a great helper. I am careful to ask her instead of expecting her help. I am the mother, I know this. She is usually more then willing to help. Occasionally she has said "I don't want to", which I respect and suck it up as mother and just do my best.
Did I say how grateful I was for her? Today especially. 15 months is a hard age. They are so active, but not walking well at this point. And the last thing I want is for them to be crawling around the floor of the waiting room or doctors office. It took A LOT of distraction, but we've both learned how to keep them busy and entertained. Keys, wallet, drs pamphlets, fish tank, bouncing on the knee, tongue clucking, peek-a-boo, paper on the doctors table, more pamphlets . . . there is a lot of down time while waiting for nurses and doctor and nurses again.
So, their stats:
Emmitt is 25 pounds/6 ounces . . . 29 1/2 inches tall . . . 47.9 cm head circumference
Castiel is 22 pounds/4 1/2 ounces . . . 29 1/4 inches tall . . . 49.1 cm head circumference
It's the same as always, Cas has a big head, little body and Emmitt is a big baby but taller than Cas for the first time. The doctor says they are completely on the charts, no signs of them ever being premies. They only have a 3 word vocabulary, but he said that's normal for twins because they have their own talk. They passed the Autism test, which becomes the scary thing at this age with boys. They got their shots and as a parent, I just cross my fingers hoping that's not the cause of Autism.
The first picture will could them together,
after getting off a number of machines.
I love looking at this picture
I can't believe they are already 15 months old!
The boys now are all down for their nap and the girls went with daddy and some of the neighbors to see "Gnomeo and Juliet" :) They are going to stop on their way home to pick up some groceries. We are making a "new meal" tonight. My cousins recipe for "Nancy's Pizza Pie" and we are going to give the kids they first taste of Edamame, a new favorite of KC's and he loves saying the word "Edamame" LOL.
We need to finish of all the preliminary results for Zoe's Science Fair project. Which has become a huge project. But that's the only way I like to do a project and Zoe takes after me in that, so we have both stretched this project further than a 4th grade level, I'm sure. But why not. It's great time to spend with Zoe and an opportunity to teach her about something new. And I want to make sure she understands everything, not just do it, so it's good we had a four day weekend to fit it in. I will share with everyone when are finish it, it's still a work in progress, the teacher broke it up in stages, very smart of her and for parents who procrastinate.
Today's a good day, feels like the weekend with the kids and daddy home :)