Saturday, May 21, 2011

I'm Glad the World Hasn't Ended :)

I have a lot to do and plans have been made. My kids need a chance to grow up and I need to be able to enjoy every moment of it . . . I do not have time for the end of the world.

On a sad note.

I didn't even know the end of the world was predicted for today?!?

Lately I feel so behind on current events. Too busy with life to sit down and watch. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I feel like Facebook keeps me up-to-date for the most part.

Facebook friends told me about the Rapture Parties going on last night. I felt kinda bad that I didn't have a "last hurrah" with my kids.

But it looks like I have time for the next last hurrah.

Facebook was also where I found out about Bin Laden.

It was the end of the night, and I went to shut down my computer, checked Facebook quick and told my husband to turn on the tv "I think they got Bin Laden".

Our problem is, we don't watch LIVE tv. We tape everything on the DVR, because it's impossible with 5 kids. We don't even attempt to watch our shows with them up.

So when there are BREAKING NEWS stories, we typically miss them.

I really have to start turning on the news more often!

So I want to thank all my Facebook friends for letting me know what's going on in the world.

Even if it is a story of a crazy 89 year old and his predictions :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I have another day to garden, because, well, I have tomatoes growing and I want to see that through. Ha ha Enjoy the beginning of the next end of the world countdown.
