Sunday, January 22, 2012

Cleaning Out the House THIS Year, because I'm Not Moving All This STUFF Again!

I believe that if the producers of "Hoarders" showed up at my door, they would start filming and the 1-800-GOT-JUNK trucks would pull into my driveway.

Okay, I might not be that bad, but I could definitely be put on the watch list.

I know that I save too much stuff. The artist in me can see the potential in too many things. I can make a list of what I'm prone to collect and store away, but the list is too long and ridiculous.

It's not like I am ambivalent. I am well aware. But like the hoarders I see on t.v., these things make me happy.

The move has helped me realize the amount of "stuff" we actually have, and I actually have. When you're forced to place everything into boxes, it opens your eyes to what you actually have. It can't be pushed in the back of a cabinet, stuffed into a corner or slipped into the attic.

I apologize to everyone that helped us move. Too much stuff, I know. And I knew during the move, but I was too overwhelmed to think and make decisions.

I have always had the excuse of an infant that I wasn't able to complete the projects that I wanted and go through everything. It was a very valid excuse, but the excuse has grown up.

It's time to create or recycle.  To use or trash. To sell or to donate.

This is a year of simplifying our life.

I always envy the people that have a more minimalist style. I imagine how much easier that must make their lives. I think about what it would be like to have a place for everything we own.

Maybe someday.

The abundance of "stuff" in my house ranges from baby items to bike items to craft items to 5 children's childhood memories and school projects to too many bill files to crates of shoes to vhs/cds/dvds to knick knacks to hundreds of frames to memories of my and KC's childhood  . . . all that I plan to go through this year thoroughly.

I am planning to use Craig's list for the big items, eBay for the shippable items, Goodwill for donations, garage sales in the Spring and Etsy for the creations that I am able to make from my piles of supplies.

I want to go slow and steady. I don't want to get overwhelmed and stop.

I'm going to see how many days in a row I can go this year listing at least one thing on Craig's List, eBay and Etsy.

Day One is complete. Feels good to get started. It'll feel even better when the year is over.

I can do this  :)  It'll make the next move SO much easier.


  1. Awww, you know this post makes me proud! :)

    1. I know you are much better at this than I. Good thing I didn't have to move half way around the world with all this :)

  2. I'm see what you'll create but also happy that you'll have the time to take and make decisions....this is going to be a good year for you!
