So, if you've had enough, I guess today is the day to stop :)
But I'm choosing to continue on . . . . .
I've had a very busy few days.
First off, Cameron was assessed for speech. He has difficulty with some of his consonants and double consonants. Some people told me that he'd get it eventually, not to worry. While others told me that he was hard to understand and I should get him checked out before kindergarten.
He was accepted into the program one day a week to work with a speech therapist. The reason was because he changes his "K" and "P" into "T", almost always. I guess that's a hard one to fix. (No wonder the kid has a hard time saying "cupcake") There are more speech related issues that they'll be working on with him, but I was told that that was their main concern.
Because he did so well with the teachers, I told him he could pick something out, we were stopping for a few errands anyways. It was a very cold day, so right away he told me he wanted hot chocolate. So we stopped at the Dunkin Donuts on the way in . . . and of course, he picked out a sprinkled donut too :)
I forgot how much fun one-on-one time with Cameron is.
Cameron and I used to go everywhere together. Usually alone with the girls in school and KC at work. The twins have really changed his world, along with mine.
We walked around the store with him chatting about everything he saw. We wandered the food, the toys and the Valentine's Day aisles, with him trying to talk me into buying him a 5 foot teddy bear with no success. I wandered Walmart much longer than usual, but it was the most enjoyable trip I've had in a long time.
I have to remember how important one-on-one time is with my children. For both them and me.
I had a similar experience with Emmitt to Urgent Care on New Year's Eve. It shouldn't have been fun in anyway, but oddly, it was. He charmed all the doctors and nurses and other patients. He didn't have to compete for my attention and even though he was in pain, he was happy to be the center of attention.
I need to make time for them all to be themselves around me . . . after all, they are all individuals. They don't always have to be marked to Speich clan :)
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We had our first real snow!
The twins watched from the patio window in amazement. I worked on teaching them the word "snow", which they both thought I said "nose", so they kept pointing to their noses. I acted out rain falling from the sky with my fingers and said "snow" again.
So now Emmitt points outside, points to his nose and does the rainy fingers to talk about the snow.
Twins always are asking "touch?" because they want to get their hands on it. I've given them a handful a couple times now, which they love.
Cameron was the first to play in it with Daddy.
It was FREEZING out, but he didn't care. I had ramen noodles waiting for him when he came in.
This weekend the older 3 all went out for over an hour.
I called them in a couple times, but they needed to finish their snowman. His name was "Bobbie" and he was only about 3 feet tall, because the snow was not cooperating. They found some wet snow at the edges of the yard that they were able to make into a ball. At one point, I thought they were coming in, but they were only asking for a hat, scarf and mittens to finish him off.
I didn't get a picture, and he has already toppled over :(
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I made myself a project this week too.
Have you heard of "upcycled clothing"?
I decided to give it a try. KC and I had a Christmas Costume Party to go to and we chose to go as Jack and Sally from "The Nightmare Before Christmas".
Sally's outfit is a patchwork of a bunch of materials, so I decided to get out the sewing machine and make it. I went to Goodwill and came home with one shirt and skirt that would fit me, the rest were just picked because of color.
I just started cutting and sewing . . . this is what we ended up looking like :)
The party was a lot of fun! Thanks John and Risa for getting us out of the house for a night. That's another thing that we need to get better at . . . Date Night! There is always so much going on, but we need to make time for ourselves too.
And thanks to Grandpa and Grandma for watching 6 of the grandchildren! (The one in pink isn't mine, it's my niece, Ella)
That picture makes me a little sad.
As you can see, we were all ready for the Packer Game. What a bummer . . . can't win it every year.
Sad the season's over. We couldn't even watch the end, so we switch over and watched Wisconsin beat Nebraska . . .
My cousin's son is in speech therapy and LOVES his therapist and has made awesome progress over the past months. Hope Cameron has the same positive experience!